Acupuncture treats various conditions, including pain, headaches, nausea, and fatigue. Recently, it has also proven beneficial for individuals suffering from substance use disorders and alcoholism. At LA Wellness Haven, we use acupuncture to help our patients manage their addiction and withdrawal symptoms. Many report feeling calmer and more relaxed after treatment and have successfully recovered from their drug and alcohol addictions.
Acupuncture, which began in China thousands of years ago, involves inserting needles at precise points on the skin. Western nations have recently adopted this approach more widely. Acupuncture treats various medical and mental issues and helps those suffering from drug and alcohol addiction. It is founded on the premise that the body is interconnected by channels called meridians, which facilitate the flow of life energy, or Qi. When these channels are activated, organs are thought to function better.
The most common type of acupuncture for treating addiction is auricular, or ear acupuncture. When combined with other treatment modalities, such as individual therapy, group therapy, and support groups, acupuncture can help people addicted to drugs or alcohol in several ways. It may reduce substance use by decreasing addiction's positive and negative rewards, as dopamine levels are reduced during acupuncture treatments, making the positive reinforcement qualities of substances less potent.
Acupuncture needles are typically inserted into five distinct locations on the body, most often the ear, during addiction treatment. These five points include:
Lung Point: Improves lung function and supports grief management.
Autonomic Point: Relieves tension in the nervous system.
Liver Point: Softens hostility and eliminates toxins from the liver.
Kidney Point: Heals the body's essential organs and removes fears.
Shen Men: Decreases anxiety.
Inserting these needles takes around 12 minutes. Patients remain silent for 30 to 45 minutes in a dimly lit room, creating an atmosphere of tranquility and well-being, which can enhance peacefulness and relaxation.
Research shows that acupuncture significantly impacts the brain's neurotransmitters, particularly those involved in the neuroactive pain pathway:
Serotonin: Acupuncture affects serotonin production, easing stress and tension.
Dopamine: Individuals who abuse substances often have high dopamine levels, causing euphoria. Acupuncture helps balance these levels.
Endorphins: Acupuncture stimulates the release of endorphins, natural pain and stress reducers, aiding recovery by relieving withdrawal symptoms.
Acupuncture is a valuable tool for supporting recovery from addiction. It can be used alone or alongside other therapies like behavioral therapy and medication. The goal is to help the body heal from long-term drug or alcohol use, improving mood, brain function, and reducing cravings. There is strong evidence that acupuncture can help with stress, anxiety, depression, and insomnia by changing the body’s biochemistry beneficially.
Pain Relief: Acupuncture increases blood flow to the treated area, reducing pain and enhancing relaxation by boosting gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which controls mood and sleep.
Improved Health: Other benefits include reduced blood pressure, improved immune function, and enhanced recovery from surgery or other medical treatments.
At LA Wellness Haven, we aim to achieve the most significant outcomes possible. Our fully-trained acupuncturists will consult your multidisciplinary team about any concerns and assess if acupuncture should be incorporated as a natural treatment option in your comprehensive recovery plan.
We accept most insurance plans at LA Wellness Haven. Please contact our admissions team or use our online insurance verification form to confirm your coverage.
Starting your admissions process is simple:
Reach out to us via phone at (818) 475-4555 or fill out our online contact form.
Our admissions team will assist you with insurance verification and provide an overview of the admissions process.
We will schedule a comprehensive assessment to understand your treatment needs.
Once the assessment is complete, we will proceed with the admission and welcome you to our facility.
It's important to come prepared. Here are some suggestions:
Personal identification and insurance information.
A list of medications you are currently taking.
Comfortable clothing for a week (laundry facilities are available).
Personal hygiene products (alcohol-free).
You may also want to bring reading materials and personal items that will make your stay more comfortable.
Please note that certain items like electronic devices, valuables, or substances are not allowed.
Contact us for a complete list of recommended and prohibited items.
The length of the admissions process can vary, but we strive to make it as swift and smooth as possible. Typically, it may take a few hours from the initial contact to admission. We encourage you to reach out to our admissions team to discuss your specific circumstances and get a better understanding of the timeframe.
We understand the importance of family support during the recovery process. We have designated visiting hours and family therapy sessions. Please contact us for more details on visitation policies.
The length of stay at LA Wellness Haven varies depending on individual treatment plans and progress. On average, clients stay for [X weeks/months]. Our team will work with you to determine the appropriate length of stay to support your recovery goals.
Admission availability can fluctuate. We recommend contacting our admissions team for the most current information regarding waiting times and immediate availability.
Yes, at LA Wellness Haven, we offer a continuum of care that extends beyond your stay with us. We provide post-treatment support to ensure a smooth transition back into everyday life and to support long-term recovery.
Email us: [email protected]
Call us: (818) 475-4555
© 2025 LA Wellness Haven - All Rights Reserved. Cultivating holistic health through natural and sustainable practices for a balanced and harmonious life.
License Number: 191349AP
Effective Date: 07/15/2024
Expiration Date: 07/31/2026
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